
National Conference on “Transforming Rural Poverty to Prosperity through Sustainable Fisheries (TRPSF-2023)” & Fish Fair-2023 was organized by College of Fisheries Kishanganj Alumni Association (COFKAA) in collaboration with All India Agricultural Students Association-Fisheries Chapter and National Fisheries Development Borad (NFDB) at College of Fisheries, Kishanganj from 19-21st July, 2023. The chief guest of the inaugural function was Dr. J. K. Jena, Hon’ble DDG (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi, Guest of honor Dr. Dilip Kumar (Former Director and VC, ICAR-CIFE) and special guest Dr. S. D Singh (Former ADG-Inland Fisheries, ICAR), Dr. Rameshwar Singh, Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, BASU, Patna as president of function. Six technical sessions viz. Priming Indian aquaculture for boosting rural economy, Fisheries resource and environment, Biotechnological intervention for improving fisheries production, One health for fish wealth, Fisheries value addition and supply chain for sustainable consumption and Fisheries science society linkage and rural prosperity were held in three days. Different satellite events on Student Science Village, Women Scientist Oration Award Competition, Young Scientist Conclave, Career Counseling Consortium, Farmer-Scientist Interaction were also organized during the conference. The valedictory function was chaired by Shri Md. Afaque Alam, Hon’ble minister of Animal and Fisheries resources, Government of Bihar as chief guest, Shri Ijaharul Hussain, Member of Legislative Assembly, Bihar as guest of honor, Dr. Dilip Kumar (Former Director and VC, ICAR-CIFE) and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Registrar, BASU, Patna were the special guests. The Conference and Fish Fair was attended by 432 delegates including Deans, Directors, Scientists, Professors, researcher, students and farmers from different institution across the country.

Bihar Council of Science & Technology sponsored the National Workshop: Department of Fish Biotechnology, organized a one-day national conference on “Recent Advancements in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology and its Application” at the College of Fisheries, Kishanganj on 24th November 2023. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Anantashutosh Diwedi, Managing Director, Heritage Society, Patna followed by a welcome address of Dr. V. P. Saini, Dean, COF and convenor of the Workshop. This workshop was attended by 31 scientists, academicians, research scholars, and PG students from different institutes of the country. Subject experts Dr. J. K. Sundary, Principle Scientist and Head, ICAR-CIFA, Dr. Anirudh Kumar Singh, Associate
Professor, SAM Global University, Bhopal, Dr. Vindhya Mohindra, Principle Scientist and Head ICAR-NBFGR, Lucknow, Dr. Devendra Jain, Assistant Professor, MPUAT, Udaipur and Dr. Shamim Ahmad, Assistant Professor, BAU, Sabour have delivered the lectures on recent advancements in the field of molecular biology and biotechnology. The program was coordinated by Dr. Mamta Singh, Assistant Professor & Head of Fish Biotechnology department and organizing secretary of the workshop.