Name :- Dr. Ved Prakash Saini
Address :- Dean, College of Fisheries, Arrabari Kishanganj – 855107
E-Mail :- deancof-basu-bih@gov.in | sainivpfish@yahoo.com
Mobile :- 9413217580 | 7976237240
Phone :- 06459231375
About Dean

Dr. Saini has already got published more than 90 research papers in reputed national as well as international journals, ten books, 4 manuals, 12 book chapters and 25 popular articles on different aspects of fisheries science. Dr. Saini has guided 6 PG and 3 Ph.D. scholars of MPUAT & was Co-Chairman for 3 Ph.D. as well as 1 M.F.Sc scholar of ICAR-CIFE. Beside these, he has been co-adviser of more than 20, PG and Ph.D. scholars. He has been awarded the life membership of professional fisheries societies (02) and designated as a reviewer for peer reviewed national & International Journals (Indian Journal of Fisheries, Fishery Technology, Indian Journal of Animal Science, Molecular Biology Reports, Journal of Environmental Biology, etc). He is also providing his renowned services an Associate Editor for two Journals. Dr. Saini has been nominated as Nodal Scientist (nominated to NBFGR, Lucknow by MPUAT for studies related to biology, taxonomy, ecology etc.), member, ICAR Committee on Fish Germplasm Registration, member, Board of studies MPUAT, Udaipur and member, Academic Council , MPUAT, Udaipur.
During his university services in MPUAT, Udaipur Dr. Saini has established the authentic working laboratories for advanced study of Molecular Genetics /Biotechnology and Aquaculture Health Management. To count/name a few more time tested; reputed achievements include the establishment of new infrastructures for freshwater Fish farm, Carp hatchery complex, Wet laboratory, RAS, and mobile laboratory for water quality testing & seed transportation at any point of time, throughout the year. Dr. Saini has been to overseas for his further academic advancements, in the year 2008 to Philippines (SEAFDC) for fish breeding training and in the following year 2009, he was awarded ICAR fellowship for providing and felicitating international training in fish molecular breeding techniques at Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK. Dr. Saini has already fruitfully completed 13 Research / Development/Extension projects in the capacity of PI(10) and Co-PI(3) which were funded by different agencies and amounting a total more than Rs. 750.00 lacs were obtained from the national as well as International funding agencies namely ICAR, RKVY, World Bank/GEF, etc. in addition to Non plan Research. He has also developed/invented two water samplers, in addition to this, one field kit for microbiological analysis of water and developed a device for live weight measurement under field conditions. He has developed Golden variant of Labeo rajasthanicus through mass selection in recent time.
Furthermore, in his professional career, he organized an International Collaborative Research Programme (With Dr. H. J. Goos of Utrecht University, Netherland) for the advancement of carp maturity for early and multiple breeding, which was successfully completed. In the externally funded projects (MPEDA, NFDB, RMoL, Mega Seed and GEF) empowerment of Tribal Community through Capacity building & Demonstration on livelihood and nutritional security was ensured.
Dr. Saini is significantly contributing to the enrichment and quality upliftment of university class room teaching programme, in the field of Research, extension as well as in the developmental activities at various levels. To recognize and honour his invaluable selfless contributions, he has been awarded ICAR Fellowship, the best teacher award, many appreciation certificates from the Board of Management, MPUAT, Udaipur and felicitation by Lions Club Udaipur, etc. He is still leading the enthusiastic path for yet another successful journey, as the Dean, CoF Kishanganj, ahead!