Department Of Aquatic Animal Health Management Faculty

Dr. Sudeshna Sarker
Designation:- Assistant Professor & Head
Mobile No:- 6290877738

Mr. Bhartendu Vimal
Designation:- Assistant Professor
Mobile No:- 8789542899

Pushpa Kumari
Designation:-Assistant Professor
Mobile No:- 8969334613
Academic Programmes

UG (B.F.Sc.)
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
1. | AAHM-111 | Fundamentals of Microbiology | 3 (2+1) |
2. | AAHM-211 | Fish Immunology | 2 (1+1) |
3. | AAHM-221 | Fish and Shellfish Pathology | 3 (2+1) |
4. | AAHM-222 | Therapeutics in Aquaculture | 2 (1+1) |
5. | AAHM-311 | Pharmacology | 3 (2+1) |
6. | AAHM-312 | Fish Toxicology | 2 (1+1) |
7. | AAHM-321 | Microbial and Parasitic Diseases of Fish and Shellfish | 3 (2+1) |
PG (M.F.Sc.)
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
1. | AAH 501 | Principles of Aquatic Animal Health Management | 3(2+1) |
2. | AAH 502 | Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of Finfish and Shellfish | 3(2+1) |
3. | AAH 503 | Viral Diseases of Finfish and Shellfish | 3(2+1) |
4. | AAH 504 | Parasitic Diseases of Finfish and Shellfish | 3(2+1) |
5. | AAH 505 | Fish and Shellfish Pathology | 3(2+1) |
6. | AAH 506 | Fish and Shellfish Immunology | 3(2+1) |
7. | AAH 507 | Principles of Fish Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 2(1+1) |
8. | AAH 508 | Non-Infectious Diseases & Disorders of Finfish and Shellfish | 2(1+1) |
9. | AAH 509 | Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance | 2(1+1) |
10. | AAH 510 | Aquatic Wildlife Health | 1(1+0) |
11. | AAH 511 | Disease Diagnostic Techniques | 3(2+1) |